Saturday, December 13, 2008

Vote on name, round 2

We're voting via email and polldaddy on the new name.  So, if you haven't already voted, be sure to check your email and send me a note, along with voting at the polldaddy link I included in your email.  The early results are leaning toward "Journalism Innovation" with a subtitle.   If that option prevails, we'll hold a follow-up survey on people's preferences for the subtitle.

In the next couple weeks I'll be having us vote on a couple other issues and be soliciting applications for editors of the journal's sections.  If you haven't already given feedback on the sections of the journal (see later post), please contribute your comments there.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Vote on name

We've had some wonderful discussion on the name voting. Thank you for all of your comments.
Here are some early results on name voting, which include responses emailed just to me and responses replied to the entire list. We still have about 4-5 ballots outstanding.
Journalism Modifier:
Journal/Review/Research/No accompaniment
I'll wait another day before sending an email out with final results. Here are my initial thoughts:
--while we have a lot of divergent views, it seems like some form of Innovation/Innovative has bubbled up to the top. And, my sense is that as the discussions have flourished, some of those originally wanting convergence or integrated seemed amenable to some form of Innovation.
Because there is a blog and domain name:
my first instinct would be to go with "Journalism Innovation" in the title, reversing the name to reduce confusion and allow for the domain name. Thoughts?
As for me, you might remember I tentatively gave the beast the title of Journal of Convergent Journalism months ago. While I like Convergent--and Multimedia and Integrated also have strong appeal--Innovation is sounding pretty good.
--The vast majority wanted either Research or Journalism in the title, with most preferring the latter. But, those concerned about including such a title--especially for P&T reasons--might be OK with including the Journal moniker in a subhead.
I'll wait to get some of the final votes in and then we'll probably do a quick runoff, most likely deciding on
--the form of innovation/innovative
--order (innovative/innovation before or after Journalism)
--whether to put Journal in the title or subhead.
Thanks again for such vigorous, and yet awfully polite debate.